I know I should be eating more whole grains. I know I should be eating a variety of whole grains. The truth is, they intimidate me.  I sta...
Nutella and chocolate wrapped in puff pastry... ...if only every morning could start like this! As part of FoodBuzz's tastemaker progra...
At our house, we eat these a lot as breakfast for dinner. For years , I told my son they were "fall pancakes" because I knew &quo...
Have you made those muffins that call just for a box of cake mix and a can of pumpkin? I made them last year, but I had forgotten all about ...
Mornings & I don't get along well. But, at the beginning of each school year I try to start off on the right foot...pancakes, muffi...
It's official; it's pumpkin season. From the first sighting of the Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins in September to the last...
Yes, that's an American flag on my pancake! ***{Update: we now have a winner...Michelle of Lionden Landing . Congrats, Michelle! Have ...
Remember last week when I said I would give you a recipe to go with that buttermilk? Here it is! It's Homemade Whole-Grain Pancake M...
I know, I really hate to do this to you the first weekend of June...the beginning of bikini tankini skirtini (in my case) season. It has t...
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